Fixes a bug where the `ya:ovs:upload_date` meta tag would output an incorrect time.You can re-index your YouTube videos with the Re-Index Videos button in the Video SEO options. Fixes a bug where YouTube videos would not be recognized, which meant that they wouldn’t be included in the XML Video Sitemap and the video settings in the metabox wouldn’t be available.Added inLanguage property to the VideoObject schema piece.Sets the minimum WordPress version to 5.3.Sets the minimum supported Yoast SEO version to 14.0.Makes the VideoObject schema functionality compatible with the Yoast SEO 14.0.Metadata for YouTube video embeds now gets refreshed every 30 days, to fix a compliance issue with the YouTube terms of service wherein public data may only be cached for a maximum of 30 days.Changes the value of the og:type meta tag from video.other to the default article type on posts and pages containing a video.No longer outputs an og:video:secure_url meta tag, because it would always be output next to a similar og:video.Fixes a bug where a last_fetched tag would be output for videos in the video sitemap.Fixes a bug where a PHP warning would appear when the video is removed from a page without removing the manually assigned video thumbnail from the meta box.Sets the minimum supported WordPress version to 5.4.It can be disabled in the Yoast SEO configuration wizard. Enables tracking when activating the plugin.When a post already has a Facebook image, don’t output the video image / still.Improves the copy for the disable Video checkbox in the Video SEO meta box.Wraps text fields in the XML sitemap in CDATA blocks, which prevents weird XML- and HTML entities from breaking the sitemap.Outputs “no description” when the video has no set description to prevent invalid videoObject schema.Adds a hook ( wpseo_video_supported_plugins) to allow developers to add support for plugins not officially supported by Yoast.Adds a notification to inform users about changes in the settings.Introduces the ‘YouTube embeds’ option to make pages with YouTube videos load faster by only loading the video player when users click the play icon.Makes the Video input for tags more intuitive.Adds the Video settings to the Yoast sidebar in the block editor.

Changes the appearance of the Video metabox by implementing components that are used across all Yoast metaboxes.Adds Yoast Video SEO to the Yoast sidebar in Elementor.Sets the WordPress tested up to version to 5.7 and minimum supported WordPress version to 5.6.Changes the uploadDate format of the VideoObject Schema output to yyyy-mm-dd, removing the time component.Adds isPartOf to the VideoObject Schema output, referencing either the Article or the WebPage schema.Fixes a bug where no play icon would be shown on embedded YouTube videos when the YouTube embeds: make pages load faster by only loading the YouTube player when the user clicks play feature was enabled.

#Videolightbox wp vimeo thumbnail not showing free#
Ensure compatibility with Yoast SEO Free 17.8.Sets the WordPress tested up to version to 5.9.Bumps the minimum required Free version to 18.0.Adapts the Video body assessment for Japanese so that it counts text length in characters instead of words and applies different length boundaries.Sets minimum required WordPress version to 5.8.Sets the minimum required Yoast SEO version to 18.6.Fixes a bug where PHP notices were thrown on pages with videos and no available WP_Post object.Fixes a bug where a Only variables should be assigned by reference PHP notice would be shown when accessing the RSS2 feed.Sets the minimum required Yoast SEO version to 18.8.Removes the trailing commas in the Tag column of the sitemap.Removes the input fields for the video category.Removes the video:category property and the allow_embed attribute on the player_loc property following deprecation by Google.