Erubor asks that you venture into the barrens of Crakamir and enter the Goblin Citadel, the heart of the enemy to stop Gramuk. The goblins stole the "Crux of Ages", and Gramuk manipulated the Chancellor into believing the Orakur were responsible. In Shadowmirk the player will find Erubor, and he will reveal all. At the end of your short reunion, your brother will ask you to kill him to stop the pain. Shadowmirk is a secluded place of study for Wizards. Your brother begs you to warn Erubor, a powerful wizard that resides in Shadowmirk about Gramuk and the Goblin hordes. The player arrives in the goblin infested city of Vela and finds his brother. Your old self believes Gramuk is influencing the Chancellor into making poor war decisions, allowing the Goblins to move deeper into Thaermore. Your brother however was captured by the Goblins before he could erase his memory, and is being tortured at Vela, a once prosperous port city destroyed by the Goblins. This was why your memory was erased, to protect you from Gramuk and his goblin horde. A powerful Goblin Shaman by the name of "Gramuk" is using a technique called "Temporal Linking" to find the people who found the prized jewel. You found the prized jewel while scavenging a goblin battleground along with your brother.

The writer finally reveals himself, revealing himself to be you. Opening the security box that belongs to your amulet, you find another sealed note along with the "Crux of Ages". Arriving in Blackwater, the player will eventually discover a secret passageway leading to the vault. Lilith points you towards Blackwater, where the vault is located, and she shows you her amulet to prove she is not lying. After doing the deed, Lilith says that the amulet is a key to "The Underground Repository", a secret vault where important people keep their valuables. When the player finds Lilith, she is willing to explain the purpose of your amulet, but not before you dispatch a Hive Queen which has been plaguing Tangletree Forest. They have also captured Grimmhold, a fortress which use to cut a safe path through Tangletree Forest to the other side. With the Commonwealth Guards away, Goblins have taken advantage of the situation and destroyed the village of Elderhollow. The Chancellor has ordered all soldiers underground to find the Orakur, leaving settlements to fend for themselves. The war is being waged due to the theft of a prized jewel known as the "Crux of Ages", stolen from Bastion Spire, the capital of Thaermore.

Talking to the locals in Aridell reveals you are in Eastern Thaermore, and that the country is currently at war with the Orakur, a race of underground dwellers. After retrieving the amulet from the coffin of the recently deceased aristocrat Adler Keldam, the writer asks you to find a woman by the name of Lilith who lives in Tangletree Forest, in the "Heart of the Woods" and show her the amulet. The writer continues, that if the player wants to know his real identity he must retrieve his amulet from Eversleep Cemetery, found to the north. This new note elaborates on your situation, that your memory was erased with a special serum and that you were placed into hiding for your own protection.
#Avadon the black fortress rpg codex full
Inside is a small bag full of coins, and another sealed note. With nothing else to go on, the player arrives in Aridell and receives the package from Maddock. Whoever wrote the note claims to know who you are, and compels you to head north east to the village of Aridell, to meet a man by the name of Maddock and claim a small package he has been safeguarding for you. A simple search of the ruined house you wake up in turns up a sealed note. The game begins in the abandoned village of Elderhollow, with the player character suffering from amnesia. Throughout the game the player will come across numerous NPCs that offer services, information and quests. There are five classes, 24 individual skills and five different origins and beliefs allowing for a wide range of different characters. The player has 15 points to distribute between the attributes, and can make the computer roll the numbers again. At the character creation screen, the computer rolls a random number between 7 and 14 for each attribute which are: Strength, Dexterity, Endurance, Speed, Intelligence, Wisdom, Perception and Concentration. He discovers a land that has been affected by war and begins a quest to find out who he is.

The story revolves around your character who is suffering from amnesia. The player controls one character which is created at the beginning of the game. Eschalon: Book I is played from an isometric perspective with turn-based combat.